It’s been a God year

Tomorrow is the last day of school. Yesterday I asked my kids if they would like to make cards for their teachers. They both jumped at the chance. My son started right away enthusiastically writing his note. And his kids spelling he wrote, “It’s bin a god yeer.”

It’s been a God year.

wow. Well I know that is not what he meant but that is what I received. I know he meant it was a good year. He followed the statement with, “it was fun.” I’m so grateful that even in a pandemic he’s able to describe the year as “good and fun.”

I am also viewing his kids spelling as another layer on the kind of year this has been. It has been a God year. So much has changed and been unearthed. The world slowed down like never before. A grinding halt that left us all reeling at first. The world rose up, too. Rose up to unify against hate and murder. To stand together for anti-racism. And within it all so much transformation, for me personally, for my children and family on all levels. For our school, our town, our country, our world.

I’ll be sitting with this one for a while. For now I wanted to share it real time. Unprocessed. Raw. It’s the night before the end of the school year. Summer begins.

It’s been a God year.


No mistakes


You are beautiful