This Is the Dance

Sitting at my kitchen table

Will I write a fable?

Or will it be a romance?

Will I take a chance?

Will I dance?

Even when I’m so aware 

Of my skin and bones?

Maiden, mother, crone

Past, present, future

My heart wide open

So much wishin’ and hopin’

Praying for peace

I surrender the war within

More compassion for all my kin

Waving a white flag

Unpacking all my bags

Letting go and lightening the load

Ah I see

This is an ode

An ode to making peace with me

To shining a light on the peace in you

The Love that you are

The Love that I am

The Love that we are

I am taking a chance

This is the dance

-Melissa Renzi

June 24, 2021

Amherst, MA




This I Know