The Sky of my Being

By Melissa Renzi

Sitting here looking at the sky

The one out the window

And the one here within

The sky of this blank page

The sky of my being

Here all alone in the

Vast expanse of time

From skipping amongst the stars

To this life, the one with cars

And human things, like wedding rings.


Today I invite God to join me

As I walk through this crazy time

The place so different

And yet so the same

God please, take my hand

Show me where to go

God, tell me what to say

God, help me treasure what matters

And let go of what doesn’t

God, sometimes I shatter

My very own heart

By caring too much about

things that don’t matter

And forgetting the things that do

Who am I? Dancing

Between these two worlds,

Or three? The heart and the mind,

The earth and the heavens

My job—the career, occupation

My mothering —my role to these

Dear children

My Me-ness —my bliss

And how and when to do it all

And still have time to breathe

And still have space to grieve

For everyday I lose so much

And gain even more

Lord, please, tell me what’s in store

Will the world heal?

Will this pandemic steal

The joy of our lives?

Keep us away from the ones we love most?

Or can we rise? And greet it with love?

Can I release a single white

Dove to fly up above,

Spreading love sweet love


Life is a gift and a mystery

And you can juggle and dance

Tell the truth if you goof

Take a chance

Do your dance


If you drop a ball or two

or three or eleven

no worries my love

I’ll be here to help you

From heaven

Your only mistake is that

You thought you were alone

I am here, darling,

I am here

And now that you’ve

invited me in

This is a win, win, win

For now you can see me

All the ways I’m guiding

and Godding.

Don’t Google it, baby, God it.

 Got it? I god it.


I trust the process of life

As mother, human and wife

As divine being at once skipping among the stars

In the sky

As human doing human things

Oh darling remember,

You do have wings

There for you when you need them

Sweet, sweet, freedom

To elevate and escalate

And raise you from the muck

When you are stuck

And saying what the fuck

Rise, sweet soul, rise,

You are so very wise

No matter what it is

It’s just a blip

Pandemic or pancakes,

Public health crisis,

Individual and collective

Invitation to heal

To feel, feel, feel

To reach out to the ones

We love the most

To look into the eyes

Of those most wise,

In my case, my cat

Perched right here watching me

Gazing into his soul

I am whole

My children sweet children

When the whole world is

running, they are still,

seeing the thrill

in a rock and a stick

the possibility of an


Oh, God, I’m torn

I don’t know if I need to mourn

Or celebrate

What to do about all the hate

I inflict on myself

Making life harder

Thickening my guard

Or dear god

Shall I soften? How often

Do I melt and laugh

I am at least a half

million times more

intelligent when I am

in the love.


Oh God, thank you

for taking care of me,

thank you for taking care

of us. You got this.

I got this.

We God this.

We. God. This.

Note: I wrote this last March 2020 as pandemic life was new and raw. Things were heating up on all levels. It felt scary. I am grateful I rose early and put the pen to page. This poem changed my life. Looking back I realize this poem was a prayer that set the tone of 2020 for me. It helped me let go of what no longer served me in ways I could’ve never controlled or planned. It helped create space for me to be there with my family and for the opportunities life would serve up in the coming months.

What are you praying for? If you don’t know, put the pen to the page and see what comes out. God is listening. I shared it quietly with a few friends by email. I wasn’t ready to share beyond that. I am now. Then, this prayer was between me and God. I am grateful to share it with you here and now. Don’t limit yourself to what the earthly answers are. Don’t look outside of yourself for the answers. Look inside. Listen deeply. Be open to a higher possibility, stay connected to the truth of who you are: part of something bigger. Don’t Google it baby, God it.



Is this enough?


Time to Meditate