The Emerald City of the Soul

Sweet child, you asked how to get to the Emerald City

You wondered if it was real

How can I tell you that there’s nothing more real 

Than what you feel

That what’s real in your imagination

Is way more beautiful than any external thing

That the hope in your heart

Will get you farther than any car

That the map of your mind

Will lead you places true for you

That the song of your soul,

If you listen,

Will keep you whole

I want the world for you

And i want you for the world

Share the gift that you are

My shining, shining star

The sparkle in your eye

The light in your expression

The magic of your mission

Follow the yellow brick road

To the Emerald City of the Soul

The path will appear

One brick at a time

Follow your inner gold

And you’ll never get old

Sweet child, stay wild

Please keep asking the questions of your heart

I promise to listen

And stay quiet

So you can hear the answers

Like graceful dancers

Coming into your awareness

I’ll give you the space to see them

To see you

So you can stay true

To you, majestic you

-Melissa Renzi

July 16, 2021

Amherst, MA

Yesterday my daughter Eva asked me how to get to the Emerald City. Last night I wrote about that experience to share with her. This morning I wrote this poem about it. This writing process, this sharing, this listening is Me following the yellow brick road to the Emerald City of the Soul.


The best parties are unplanned


For Eva on her 20th birthday