Hello New Month

Hello new month

Fresh start, what art will I make?

What risks will I take?

How much will I sleep?

When will I leap?

I promise to keep my promises to myself

To listen to my soul’s whispering elf

Pulling me towards my dreams

Even when fear screams

I’ll scream along with it

Until I cry and the fear dies


I’m soul-wise seeing the world

Through love’s eyes

Knowing it’s ok to be scared to death

And shouting, sometimes, what the eff

Because in my heart

I’m crystal clear

Here, here

Come sit with me, fear

Let’s snuggle up by the fire of my soul

One by one making a goal

Until the whole picture is revealed

And we are healed


Together we bear all the elements

Mixing life’s ingredients

Into a pot of soul soup

And nourishing me first

Quenching a lifelong thirst

And inviting the world one by one

To come sit at our table

As long as we are able

The soup keeps making itself

When I listen to my soul’s elf

And write words like this in a journal

My love, my life, is eternal


Sharing my abundance with the world

Sharing my gifts

Healing old rifts

Blazing new trails

Nothing pales in comparison

When there is no comparison

Instead the sun rises in my heart

And everything shines

-Melissa Renzi

Friday February 1, 2019

Los Angeles, CA


Making a new promise to mySelf


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