Heaven is…

Last month this time I was in an airBNB called Heaven. It was quite heavenly. I booked it for that reason.

When I got home, I realized Heaven is not a place I rent by the day. It’s not a place I go. It’s a place I am. It’s my home sweet home. And today, I learned more about this. On such a deeper, profound level. Through the sleepy morning words of the 4-and-3-quarter year old cuddler in my bed, my daughter Eva.

Snuggled in between me and my husband with Patrick on my right and Fishy (our cat) at our feet, she said to me:

“Heaven is hugging you.”

And then, quietly…

“You are heaven.”

“I am heaven.”

Thank you, sweet girl, for reminding me who I am. And for knowing who you are.

Yes, you are heaven.

Heaven is hugging you. As in - hugging you is a heavenly experience. That’s how I took it to mean this morning.

And then as the day progressed - month four of University of Santa Monica Consciousness Health and Radiant Healing - it struck me that perhaps she meant “Heaven is hugging you” as in you are supported by heaven. You are met. You are held. Heaven has its arms wrapped around you in a loving embrace.



Heaven is hugging me.

Heaven is hugging you.

Heaven is hugging us all.

You are heaven.

I am heaven.

We are heaven.

What would life look life if I could remember this again and again and again?

What if you could?

It’s a practice of remembering.

How do you remember?




Ever have that feeling?