Books are my wings

Some friends gifted my four and a half year old daughter two books last weekend. And as their minivan pulled away she ran to the backyard with one book under each armpit. Flapping them up and down she proclaimed with great joy, “these are my wings.”

Aaaaah yes sweet girl, books are your wings.

Books are wings.

My love of reading began early. My absolute favorite childhood books is Bendemolina, The Cat Who Wore a Pot On Her Head. It’s the only book I still have from when I was little. And one I’ve loved reading to my children. Its blend of smart silliness and play with rhyme makes it a delight every time we read it. It’s about a cat who wears a pot on her head and can’t hear what her mom is saying. So she hears very silly things that rhyme with her mother’s instructions. 

When Mama cat says, “Bendemolina, “put the fish in to bake” Bendemoliona hears a series of wonderful rhymes until she decides that her mother must have said “put the soap in the cake.” Even as a 44 year old mother this brings me belly laughter every time I read it. (And full disclosure it’s the only thing in our move from Los Angeles to Western Massachusetts that I can’t find. Send me some light that Bendemolina appears! Oh how we miss her.) We also love playing Bendemolina which we made up, of course, where I give the kids instructions and they pretend to only hear what rhymes with what I’ve asked. This is my kind of fun.

As I wrote this I remembered another childhood favorite from the time when I was read to. I’ve vaguely thought of it through the years but it never occurred to me to look it up. Until now! Yippee! I knew it had something to do with a babysitter named George so I asked dear Google and oh how she delivered. (I do think Google is a she. She’s so smart and knows so many things. If you’ve read this blog faithfully you’ll remember in general I advise “Godding it” instead of “Googling it” but in this case Google delivered. I’m hoping God delivers in the Bendemolina department. (This too gives you a little peek into my relationship with God.) God, oh that’s funny, you are playing Bendomolina now too?! I am asking you to find my “Bendemolina book” and you are hearing “Mend-the-full-tina-hook!” Good one, God, good one. 

Me and God are cool like this. We can laugh together. 

Now back to the other book! So I searched Google for George babysitter children’s book and it appeared instantly! I recognized the cover as if I were seeing it again with my child eyes. The author’s name is Shirley Hughes, which I had not remembered. The name sounded so familiar. On intuition, I searched the name of one of the books I love reading to my children called “Alfie’s Christmas.” Voila!! Same author. Oh my goodness how magical and full circle this all is. 

I’m currently enjoying reading my kids Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls and Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls - 100 Immigrant Women Who Changed the World. It’s amazing and oh how far children’s literature has come in terms of inclusivity, diversity and equity. I’m working on getting our bookshelves more mindful in those departments. 

I know with all of my knowing that books are wings. They can transport us to places around the world, to feel and experience such depth and knowledge. I can’t wait to see my children’s journey with books continue to grow and take flights. And to share more about how reading has so much informed who I am. I can’t wait to share more with you. 

In the meantime, what books did you read as a young child? I’m thinking the chapter of your life before you were an independent reader. When you were read to. What do you remember? Have you read these books as an adult again? What’s that like?

Do you agree books are wings? Where do they take you?

Treat yourself to some time with a good book this weekend, my loves.

With love,

Melissa Renzi

PS - A friend suggested I turn comments on. Another friend suggested I do not. Thank you friends, you know who you are. Here’s my plan: I do not have comments turned on. That is intentional at this time. So for now, these questions are rhetorical for you to consider. Let them sink into your heart and see where they land. See what grows. If you feel called to reach out, you’re welcome to use the contact me form on the blog. I’d love to hear from you. 


A day off


Short and sweet and true